Not Knowing & Trust

When we don’t know how a situation will resolve, we are in the unknown. This can trigger the ego into a feeling of not being safe. We usually learn to interpret a situation like this as a problem to be fixed. The idea being to get the feeling to stop and avoid the fear of not knowing. Our egos depend on the illusion that the world around us is stable and consistent to feel safe.

The unknown can be perceived instead as an opportunity to grow in consciousness.

In the Handless Maiden fairy tale, the heroine’s sense of trust is broken by her parents which means they aren’t safe anymore. So, she decides to leave home to embark upon the journey to learn to trust again. Her father says he will take care of her, but she declines his offer and chooses instead to surrender her well-being to Providence. We see this in other fairy tales as well, which means it’s important to the development of consciousness.

When we, as ego, can do nothing to change a situation

we are called on to surrender to something beyond ego.

With arms tied behind her back, the Handless Maiden leaves home, or the consciousness of the parents to see where life takes her. She meets a king and marries him, but they are both triggered into feelings of not being safe and she’s on her way again. But this time, she ends up in a cabin deep in the forest. This symbolizes a descent into the unconscious to transform her fear into trust.

If we let go of trying to control the situation and sit with not knowing, then allow the uncomfortable sensations in the body to be there, the fear diminishes. Just witnessing what arises because of the situation at hand is enough, consciousness does the work of transformation. There isn’t anything to “do,” but just “be.” It will evolve on it’s own and trust will naturally appear. Although, the process may need to be repeated, it does diminish each time.

When the Handless Maiden’s husband comes to a cabin in the forest, there is a sign over the door that reads, “All are welcome here.” Meaning they have both been healed. She has shifted her sense of safety from the world of form to Spirit. Knowing that whatever happens, life is occurring for her. This situation that initially seemed so tragic, was an opportunity for her to grow and ultimately for her highest good.

Life is happening for us.

Trust is one of the paradigms for the new earth.

2 thoughts on “Not Knowing & Trust

  1. Ab-soul-utely brilliant! Thank you Pamela. I love the way you so wisely describe the Handless Maiden embarking on her journey where she will learn to trust again. For me, this resonates deeply in my own life as I left home aged eighteen! Sometimes, I feel that this part of our journey is lost or forgotten or moved through too quickly as restoring trust, inch by inch, is a foundation stone in the health and healing of us all. Oh yes, great last line! Love and light, Deborah.

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    1. Oh, thank you, you are so kind! As I was exploring the idea of not knowing and the resulting discomfort, the HM story came to me and I realized how perfect it was for this challenge. I think we avoid this stage because it triggers fear to think we are going out into the world on our own. You are a brave soul to embark on this phase at 18. You are right about it being foundational. Love to you,

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